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Fly Fishing Knots: Perfection Loop Animation

The Perfection Loop creates a clean, strong loop in which the standing part of the leader comes out of the loop in a straight line.

See detailed instructions below animation, or toggle thru each step:

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
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How to Tie the Perfection Loop

1. Form a single loop by bringing the tag end behind the standing part of the leader. The tag end should be pointing toward the right, at a right angle to the standing line.

2. Form a second, smaller loop in front of the first one by rolling the tag end around the front of the first loop, then behind it. Push the second loop flat against the first with your thumb, and make sure the tag end ends up on the right side again, pointing at a right angle away from the standing part.

3. Take the tag end and fold it to the opposite side, passing it between the two loops. It should end up on the left, pointing at a right angle to the standing part of the line. Push it to the bottom of the point where the two loops overlap. Pinch it in place with your thumbs.

4. Reach behind the first loop and pull the second smaller loop through it. Make sure the tag end stays put, on the left at a right angle to the standing part. Tighten the knot by pulling the second loop straight in line with the standing part of the leader. Do not hold the tag end or put pressure on it.

5. Tighten the knot fully and inspect it. The tag end should still be pointing at a right angle to the standing part of the leader and the loop itself should be in line with the standing part. If not, cut the knot and try again. Trim the tag end when you are satisfied the knot is tied properly.