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False Casting ( of 0)

Video Transcript:

Tom: There are certain casts that will definitely help your dry fly presentation. Besides the reach cast, the parachute cast, and other slack line casts, it's important to false cast properly and sometimes to throw curve casts. Let's get some casting advice that will be helpful in dry fly fishing from Pete Kutzer of the Orvis Fly Fishing Schools.

Pete: Hi, I'm Pete Kutzer from the Orvis Fly Fishing Schools. Today we're going to talk about false casting and adding more distance to your cast. An important part of casting, but an often overused part of casting, is false casting. False casting is periodically keeping that line up in the air when we're either drying a dry fly, changing direction, gauging distance, or gauging accuracy. When we false cast, we're going to make that same pause like we do on our back cast, but then we're going to initiate that back cast after that forward cast. Just before that line straightens out, we're going to initiate that back cast. Then we can deliver that fly back out to the water. We want to false cast, but not too much. Remember, the fish live in the water, so just think, just before that line starts to fall we're going to make that back cast. Just before it begins to fall, again start with that back cast. Remember, folks, don't false cast too much.