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3. The evolution of modern streamers (3 of 20)

Why streamer fly patterns today have expanded into a whole ranges of types and sizes—and why they can be so effective.

Video Transcript:

Fly tires and anglers in Michigan, the Rockies have in the past 20 years modified the size, shape, and action of streamers to better imitate larger food sources. And in some cases have just developed flies that are nothing more than modified versions of spin lures. Large wild trout have been known to eat 7 inch stock trout and in some rivers, its primary source of food for them.
So we know the traditional 2 to 3 inch trout streamer can be improved upon. There are times when a smaller streamer just does not trigger the aggression or meet the calorie need of a large hungry trout. To get these big enticing streamers, tires often use long flowing materials like marabou and rabbit fur.
And to get the length needed, they often make articulated patterns that incorporate a hook on a trailing stinger to take advantage of short strikes.