Video Transcript:
Pete: Sometimes when we're casting, we have very limited back cast
space. We can't make that complete back cast and send that line behind us.
We might have an obstacle behind like us, like a tree, a rock, some bushes,
maybe another angler. And in that situation, we want to do a cast called
the roll cast.
Now, the roll cast is a great cast, but we kind of want to use
it on the water. We need to set up an anchor point and what we
call a D loop. This is very common, and you'll hear this a lot
in spay casting. The D loop is this little bit of line here
behind me, right here.
The anchor point is that line touching the water. We need some
line touching the water, and we want our hand up kind of near
our ear or across from our shoulder.
From this point, then we can just make a nice forward flick of
the wrist or a nice forward cast, and that's going to send that
line out. So we just lift this line up and come back nice and
slowly, dragging that line across the water, stop right across
our ear. I like to tell people it's almost like you're talking
on a telephone, but it's somebody really obnoxious or you're
holding the phone away from your ear.
Woman: You're going fishing again?
Pete: And then from this point, just a nice flick to a stop or pop to a
stop, if you will , around eye level, and that's going to get
that line to roll right out.