Video Transcript:
Traditional feathered streamers are still used as are older style buck
tails. Some other, more modern streamers, are variations of the deadly
woolly bugger, a very simple but effective fly. There are literally
hundreds of woolly bugger variations. Other streamers imitate sculpins, a
small bait fish that lives in riffles and pools and in cold and clear trout
streams and is a favorite food of trout everywhere, especially big ones.
There are as many types of sculpin flies as there are woolly bugger
variations. Still other flies attempt to imitate leeches and crayfish more
precisely, but you don't have to be that critical in picking streamers. And
you don't really need to match the food forms exactly. A trout that's on
the prowl for a big meal will often take the first streamer thrown at it.
There should be one right there. All right! On a dead! Whoa! Whoa! God,
that's a fat fish. It looks like a little steelhead. Beautiful!